Wednesday, 25 June 2014

NUMIT Bird Nest Medical Plant 浓密燕窝草药

NUMIT Bird Nest Medical Plant 浓密燕窝草药

NOTED All NUMIT’s Medical Plant are growth by NUMIT Bird Nest. Please pass our NUMIT’s Medical Plant to those who needed for it. 
我们的草药是用浓密燕窝的碎燕培植而长大。 这是我们回馈我们顾客的最佳良药。 请珍惜我们的细心培植的草药,也转让有需要的亲戚朋友,功德无量!阿尼陀佛!
Even though there's no diabetes cure, diabetes can be treated and controlled, and some people may go into remission. TRY NUMIT’s Medical Plant for lower down the glucose level of your diabetes.

Drinking Method:
1.      One packet of NUMIT’s Medical Plant can divide into 4 times meals after taking food. Measure your glucose level before your try it. Firstly, rinse thoroughly the medical plant, take out 10 leaves (including small branch and flower) and put in a normal cup. 一包浓密燕窝草药可以分成4次来饮用。首先,先测量患者血糖的高低,才能知道饮用了浓密燕窝草药是否成功!记得先用过滤水冲洗一下草药。 然后拿出一个杯子,放入已冲洗了的10片叶子(包括花儿和小树枝)。

2.  Pour warm/hot water into the NUMIT’s medical plant, wait for 20-30 minutes. 加入温水/热水,浸大约20-30分钟。

3.      Filter the leaves (Including small branch and flower), drink it slowly. Better consume after meal. 可以将浓密燕窝草药用过滤网格开, 接着就可以慢慢饮用了。最好饭后饮用哦!

4.      After 30 minutes or 1 hour, measure again your glucose level, you will definitely notice your glucose level is lower down effectively. 过了大约半小时或一个小时,再重新测量您的血糖,您将会发现它有效地降低血糖哦!

5.      Drink NUMIT’s Medical Plant for consistently, it will help you lower down your glucose level. 持续饮用,可以降低糖尿病患者的血糖。

To manage diabetes effectively, you need to do the following too:
1.      Manage your blood sugar levels. Know what to do to help keep them as near to normal as possible every day: Check your glucose levels frequently. Take your diabetes medicine regularly. And balance your food intake with medication, exercise, stress, and good sleep habits.
2.      Plan what you eat at each meal. Stick to your diabetes eating plan as often as possible.
3.      Bring healthy snacks with you. You’ll be less likely to snack on empty calories.
4.      Exercise regularly. Exercise helps you keep you fit, burns calories, and helps normalize your blood glucose levels.
5.      Keep up with your medical appointments. That includes your doctor, diabetes educator, ophthalmologist, dentist, podiatrist, and other health care professionals.
NUMIT Bird Nest Medical Plant ~ Growth by using NUMIT BIRD NEST.

NUMIT Bird Nest Medical Plant ~ Growth by using NUMIT BIRD NEST.

NUMIT Bird Nest Medical Plant ~ Growth by using NUMIT BIRD NEST.
NUMIT Bird Nest Medical Plant ~ Growth by using NUMIT BIRD NEST.

NUMIT Bird Nest Medical Plant ~ Growth by using NUMIT BIRD NEST.

Wish you all have a HEALTHY & HAPPY life! J

P/S Contact our NUMIT Bird Nest Founder for more details of the FREE medical plant.

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