Raw Bird Nest

RAW BIRD NEST @ NUMIT, Taiping, Malaysia

(Price depends on the market flow)

We provided 100 g, 200 g, 500 g and 1 kg raw bird nest with reasonable price!!! Direct from NUMIT Bird Houses once you confirm to purchase, no keeping stock and no broken bird nest! FRESH!!

We also provided Bird’s Nest Exportation (Hong Kong, China and etc) 

NUMIT Raw Bird Nest which swiftlet farming located at Taiping, Perak, Malaysia.
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia

NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia

Grade AA NUMIT Raw Bird Nest, 80 % clean, without swiftlet's eggs inside the nest.
100 gram and 200 gram NUMIT Raw Bird Nest (Cute Boxes, right? ) 
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
Taiping = Rain Town, is a place which suitable for swiflet living.... :)
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia

NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia
NUMIT raw bird nest @ Taiping, Malaysia

How to clean the feather??

1) 浸

2) 挑
将一盏燕窝放入装有清水的白色搪瓷或陶瓷器皿内,水要淹没燕盏,燕窝、容器和水都是白色,易于看清细毛,便于将毛挑干净,在清水的映照下,小细毛易被 水冲展、显露出来,看得清楚,择时用小尖镊子轻轻的摄取,看不清时再放入水里影照,直至挑得差不多了,用手捂住燕窝将水倒到过滤网上,换几次新水漂洗,再 将水倒在过滤网上,然后不加水,直接再把剩下的细毛全挑干净。取出燕窝,放于过滤网上,用清水反复冲洗,要用手捏攥着洗,不可揉搓,否则易碎,一边冲洗, 一边把燕窝顺纹路撕开,将杂质洗去,然后放入盛器内,不加水,放在凉爽的地方备用;重复做,直至将所有燕窝挑完毛。最后将过滤网上的碎燕窝挑起,洗干净, 也放入盛器内备用。

3) 发

4) 炖
将泡发好的燕窝放入炖盅放入锅中,用小火隔水炖煮,炖煮到熟透为止,炖好后可配冰糖、牛奶、蜂蜜、豆浆等食用。燕窝炖煮时间不能太长、温度也不能太高, 否则燕窝会化成水。因为燕窝是金丝燕凝结了的唾液,在摄氏 100 度下会溶化成液体,尤其是白屋燕;另外高温直接煮也会破坏燕窝中大部分营养素,所以最好的煮食燕窝方法是炖,同时也要控制好时间。


How to prepare your raw bird nest for cooking?
Here are the quick guide steps to cook your bird nest with recipes of different delicious and nutritious flavours such as rock sugar bird nest, red dates bird nest and more.

1. First, soak the raw bird nest with clear or mineral water in a big bowl for roughly 30 to 45 minutes depending on the speed of expansion.
2. Proceed to remove any remaining tiny feathers and dirt specks with a pair of forceps then drain out the water.
3. Prepare a boiler by filling the pot with water.
4. Place the bird nest into the pot and fill it with hot water.
5. Leave to boil for 1 hour on a medium fire.
6. You can drink it hot or cold.

Cooked bird’s nest can be stored in the fridge for up to a week. Wish you all have a great day!!! 

*Please drop us an e-mail or call us for your inquiry at:

seiko.q@numit.com.my / + 6017 656 3436 (CJ)

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear._Buddha

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